My 2016 Wish List

Image result for wishMY IDEAL 2016 CLASSROOM IS

1. Whaea Lisa to be my teacher cause she is really cool and fun and you can learn te reo.
2. Ict to be in the class I am in so I can learn more about ict equipment
3. Not to wear hats cause you have to look after them and wearing hats are annoying
4. have a lot off class trips cause trips are fun even with your teacher
5. bring digital gear so we can take photos with our friends and play on Facebook
6. learn other cultures so when I get older I can understand other people if I am not their culture.
7. have precious, Evalene, Ngahuia, Embeisha, Waimaaria because there my best friends I like
8. learn about kapa haka so when I get older I can be a pro performer
9. learn new songs so I can teach my sisters and cousins
10. come to school late like 9:30 because 8:30 is to early for me I will probably wake up at 8:30
11. have a class pool so when its hot we can jump in it when its hot 50 cents each day though
12. learn more te reo
13. win a trophy for kapa haka so my mum and dad can be proud of me
14. make computers with Whaea Lisa so I can make computers when I get older and have free laptops
15. have piano lessons and guitar lessons so I can play a instrument like my sister Diamond
16. be a year 6 still cause I don't wana move school's
17. wear non uniform Cause you have to put it on and take it off every day
18. learn more about computers
19. win cross country next year
20. try use my manners cause I don't have any this year
21. be at a good level on everything as I go to high school so I can graduate

WHY CAUSE I WANT TO BE A ACTION KID...................................


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