He Arotake

  1. He Taonga Kirihimete
    1. Ngahuia and I decided to make scrabble with Whaea Lisa because it is a simple game that is easy to be translated into Te reo māori. The game scrabbles is contributed to Te reo Maori by the māori words and letters. I decided to give the gift to a class that has never tried maori games or language ever before.
    2. The most thing that challenged me about this assignment was you have to have an equal amount of all letters for each set of game and we didn't have much squares to have for an equal amount of letters.  Ngahuia and I had actually started on a board game before we decided to do scrabbles so we have to work on both but me and Ngahuia decided to do scrabbles instead and what surprised me was that we actually have done a good job and completed both board games in te reo maori.
    3. I reckon it is good enough espeacially only being made by three people and made by scrach. Yes I do reckon we could sell our finished scrabble game for maybe about $15.00 because most letters are in place, coated colour of blue is beautiful, and you can actually make maori words. If I was to do this assignment again I would choose to have or make more squares to have an equal amount of all letters.


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