Cultural Evening

Yesterday there was a cultural night all roopus, or teams performed there culture well some of them performed other culture's instead of their own. First I got my mum to do my hair then came to school and got ready for my performance. after all performance's it was my turn I got on stage and smiled for my mum and noticed that she wasn't there but I kept going the first thing we started off with was the waiata Matika Mai Ra I had a solo with Kahurangi, Pauletta, Mareikura, and Kopere. Then we did our Whakaeke the whole roopu brang out our biggest pukana and eyes I got really mental I brang out my all and when I looked back I saw Evalene and her mean pukana and that is the most fearist pukana I have seen her do. Then I kept going. Now its my turn to get my glory at the front with the poi. In the poi I shuck my bum and smiled but I couldn't breath properly because I went to hard on the Whakaeke but I just still carried on. While I was dancing I saw Raukura and she made me smile hard out because she is so cute and silly as well as her mum Whaea Lisa. Next the boys did their haka and all I could see was Ariki's spine because he is so skinny and Matua Wirihana do the haka with the boys and then I saw Mareikura jump in with her two tiaha and her hearty voice and pukana at the end of the haka. Next we did our whakawatea Ko Moehau I smiled and wiried and sang the lead note but I think I went flat cause I went to high but I dont care at least I sang. Then we did our patu at the end I did my hardest cause I got angry as. Then the whole Performance was finished. I was really tiered and had no more breath left until Tino and TH5 stood up to do Tikatonu for us so I stood up did my best back to them and Got aggressive I wanted to punch someone so I punched my own chest and just felt my anger on my self and it felt like my eyes were gonna come out of my body. Then when it was finished Whaea Lisa asked for photos for the photographer and a lot of people came over I thought we were famous then. Then Whaea Lisa said we actually want photos for the real photographer and everybody started laughing we took a smiling photo then a pukana photo after that we helped Whaea Lisa pack away everything put it in her class and went home. My favourite part was When Mareikura said Te Kahuihuringa Tena I takahia because it was the end of the performance and because at the end we all brang our pukana out and Finished the whole day off with love and happiness.


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