A Day In The Life.

Today I went to school. Before school I was really tiered I actually didn't want to come to school but my mum said I had to go so I had a shower got changed got my lunch ready and walked to school. I noticed that whaea Lisa wasn't here so I went into whaea Rewana's class said hello and asked if I was allowed to play on her computer until my teacher gets here she said yes. So I played until whaea got here. When she arrived I sat in her class for a little bit longer because I didn't want to leave the computer. When I finished on the computer I came in class. When I got in class I grabbed some poi's and practiced matariki our kapa haka song with Nghahuia and Embeisha. The bell went. Ngahuia went and told the class to come in. Prescious and Tupura'a did karakia for the morning. The class and I were meant to sing Uhia Maira bit we didn't sing it properly because we were being lazy and wasn't singing properly so whaea Lisa said that we were staying in at morning tea and lunch time if we don't sing properly at morning tea. Whaea Lisa told us what our groups are doing for panui. My group was doing a picture summary about the book Das Piano. I was the second one finished Das Piano. Brooklyn and Ngahuia said karakia for morning tea. The bell went to go and play outside bit half of us stayed in and had their lunch. After morning tea play we got told to sit down on the mat. Whaea Lisa told us to look at the white board. We looked. Whaea Lisa told us to go on blogger and edit our 4c's poem. Whaea Lisa gave us a new activity called A day in the life. A day in the life is the same as rocket writing which is when you write about what happened in your day today. Now I am finishing off my story about a day in the life.


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